Beginning with your most recent job, describe your work experience (paid and volunteer) in chronological order. You may submit a resumé with your application, but please still fill in every space provided below. Information must be accurate and complete.
Please list 3 references, preferably professional (as opposed to personal) whom you have known for more than one year.
My electronic signature (below) affirms that I release from liability any employer, person, agency, organization or employee supplying information regarding me or my previous employment. I also release Black Shirt Services LLC from liability that may result from making any investigation of information provided in the application materials.
I affirm that all information on this application is accurate, complete, and true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that falsification, misrepresentation, or omission of information on this application may result in disqualification of my application or dismissal of employment if I am hired by Black Shirt Services LLC. I also understand that failure to provide my electronic signature on this application may disqualify me from employment with Black Shirt Services LLC.
I understand that this application is not intended to be a contract of employment. I also understand that if I am employed with Black Shirt Services LLC, my employment can be terminated with or without cause during my probationary period of employment.